Membership Profile
AMPA has seen a steady increase in membership since its inception in 2009. Our current membership reflects medical physicists working in the fields of radiation oncology, diagnostic imaging, magnetic resonance imaging, and nuclear medicine. Members work at all four primary cancer clinics within Alberta - the Tom Baker Cancer Center (Calgary), Cross Cancer Institute (Edmonton), Jack Ady Cancer Center (Lethbridge), and Central Alberta Cancer Center (Red Deer). Full AMPA members are fully certified as professional medical physicists through the Canadian College of Physicists in Medicine. If you're not already a member, we invite you to join us. Members will receive occasional updates on progress made towards the stated objectives of the Association of Medical Physicists of Alberta
Benefits of Membership |
AMPA members are committed to fostering basic medical physics education and promoting lifelong learning. All members are encouraged to regularly attend National and International conferences to present their work and keep abreast of advancements in the field.
To encourage young AMPA members - specifically, students enrolled in post-graduate medical physics programs in Alberta - to take part in these valuable conferences, the Student Travel Award was established in 2014. Student members may apply to receive one-time funding to attend a conference to offset travel costs associated with attendance. |